HBO Max Wiki

You must read the rules before keep editing:


  • No spam.
  • Be friendly with the users. Don't insult them, harass them, offend them, etc.
  • You must be 13 or older to edit on this wiki.
  • Don't try to impress an user.
  • Don't reveal private information about any user nor yourself. That includes real names, addresses, faces, e-mails, passwords, family, friends, where do you study/work, etc. Neither pray nor threat nobody to reveal their private information.
  • Alternate accounts are allowed but don't use multiple accounts.
  • If you want to be a moderator/administrator don't beg the staff to give you the rights. If you want to be a moderator/administrator this is the article for you.


  • You must follow the Manual of Style to create nice articles.
  • If you don't have time to finish an article, okay, but the article must look decent at the time of publication. If it looks like garbage it will be deleted or improved by the staff.
    • If you dare to publish several unfinished/rushed articles there's no excuse anymore and all of them will be deleted so as not to fill the wiki with stubs.
  • No single articles about characters, episodes, objects, locations, songs, staff, etc. from the series. They are forbidden because they are unnecesary and can be considered as filler for this wiki.
  • Garbage, fan-made and non-HBO Max related articles will be deleted.
  • Use good spelling.
    • Good way to write articles: HBO Max is a streaming platform.
    • Bad way to write articles: Eichbeeow Max izastreemeen pladfom.
  • Avoid vandalism. That means write nonsense on articles, deleting it's content, etc.
  • If you aren't moderator/administrator don't delete advice templates unless there would be a good reason to delete them.

Post/Comments (Apply to Comments on Articles, Blogs and Discussion

  • Avoid bad words.
  • No roleplaying.
  • Your blogs/discussion should have a purpose.
  • No spam.
  • Don't send links to irrelevant/innapropiate/pirate pages.
  • Comment things related to the article/blog/discussion.
  • Don't write nonsensical words.
  • Don't spoil recent happenings on shows, games, films, etc. You can post discussions about recent happenings but just about Max Originals. Also don't forget to add "Spoiler" to the title of your discussion about a recent happening. The title shouldn't have the recent happening. For example:
    • Good title for your discussion: Infinity Train: The Ball Pit Car (Spoilers)
    • Bad title for your discussion: Atticus has been transformed into a ghom by the Conductor.
  • Prevent the politic. Referring to don't fight by different opinions.


  • The files must have a good use, any image that haven't been used in 24 hours will be deleted.
  • No NSFW files.
  • You can upload fanmade and non-HBO Max related files but just on your userpage and blogs. Articles NEVER should have those kind of files.


  • Any bad edit will be reverted.
  • Any bad page, file, comment, etc. Will, be deleted.
  • If a user keeps breaking the rules he will be blocked. We will never say how will last his block but if he's blocked for second time that block will be infinity.